Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

My Birthday 19th

special on my birthday
same as with previous birthdays
and today is the most pathetic

I think enough with congratulations
either on facebook or via sms and phone
I'm glad, but glad I was not enough to cover my sadness now

There is something missing in my life
the loss of my dear
also lose the people who loved me
and all this happened in 2011

I think enough for me to have a little friend
those who can share the joy and sadness with me
but my friend is not enough to cover my sadness now

there is something missing in my life
lack of gratitude
less patient
less pray
and whatever I think can make me sad

I beg forgiveness from all
to people who love me and hate me
I'm just an ordinary girl who is not special
Thankiest for you all :)

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